Rajinder Sachdeva - Benefits of Working in the IT Industry

Rajinder Sachdeva was born in a rural part of India but moved to the United States to pursue a career in the IT industry. The IT industry is quite demanding, but it is also one that is very rewarding. According to research, there are three times more job opportunities in the IT industry every year compared to any other industry. Here are a couple of benefits of working in the IT industry.

Rajinder Sachdeva

High Demand

There are over two million employees working in about 100,000 IT companies in the U.S. alone. This alone makes it one of the fastest growing and productive industries to work in. There is no doubt that there will always be a demand for qualified IT professionals. The world has changed how it does things, and with the innovations in the IT industry, there will always be job openings for IT professionals. The demand for jobs like database management specialists, web developers, and network engineers will always be available and Computer Science and engineering students don’t have to worry about job scarcity.

Constant Changes

The IT industry is one place that sees changes all the time. Technology keeps developing and changing every now and then which makes it even more interesting and challenging for IT professionals. If you are working in the IT sector, you will need to keep updating your skills to keep moving with the industry.

Excellent Wages

The IT industry is one of the industries that pays excellent wages. With the constant demand to maximize productivity, clients are willing to pay more to build a dream team.

Rajinder Sachdeva is an Oracle Certified Master, PMP Certified, and Oracle EXADATA Certified professional.

Rajinder Sachdeva - Tips to Prepare for an IT Interview

The mention of a job interview is enough to cause stress for some people. However, it does not necessarily have to be like that. If you prepare well in advance for you interview, there is no reason why you should feel nervous or intimidated. Rajinder Sachdeva was born in a rural part of India and moved to the United States to build a successful career as an IT professional.

Rajinder Sachdeva

Prepare Your Resume

A job interview is simply selling yourself to a company in exchange for a monetary benefit. Knowing how to approach the interview will help you in marketing yourself and landing the job. Start by preparing your curriculum vitae (CV) well in advance. You do not want to rush things when preparing your CV, just in case you miss something important.

Your resume should be presentable and easy to read. It should be more or less like the layout of a website, the harder a website is to navigate, the quicker you want to leave it. Your resume should be easy to read and should present all the facts in the first few pages. Do not make the interviewer dig through all the pages of your resume to find something.

Make sure you have a printed copy of your CV when you go for your interview. When printing the CV, do not use back to back printing. If you are unsure how to create a professional looking resume, you might want to use a professional resume service.

When preparing your CV, make sure it is 100% accurate. Your integrity depends on the accuracy of information on your resume. Do not include things you have not done or are not qualified in. Interviewers are smart and have ways of detecting frauds.

Rajinder Sachdeva has worked at various IT companies and has an in-depth understanding of the implementation of architecture solutions, implementation of ERP, RAC, SSO, and Data Guard.

Rajinder Sachdeva - How to Gain IT Experience to Help With Your Job

Experience is very important for any job, but if you are working or planning to work in the IT sector, the difference between getting a good job and an excellent job could lie in your experience. According to studies conducted in various fields, employment in the IT industry is estimated to grow three times faster than in any other industry. Rajinder Sachdeva has worked in the IT industry for over 29 years and has handled various job responsibilities.

Rajinder Sachdeva

Do It Yourself

If you are working in the IT industry, you can gain valuable experience working from the comfort of your home. Many businesses and institutions give away computer systems and networking equipment when they upgrade their systems. If you can get your hands on some of this equipment, you can practice your skills from home. You might want to start a home project to develop your skills in computer hardware by using outdated systems. You can do the same with software on outdated systems.

Get Certified

There are several part-time courses that you can take up to get certified in a particular field. You might want to sign up for a couple of online courses like the Linux+, or the Comp TIA A+, or any other program that interests you. The amount of knowledge you gain from these courses will help you gain an entry into the IT industry.


Many organizations offer volunteer positions for young professionals. Though this might not be a job you are looking for, but volunteering to work in an IT department will help you develop valuable skills. Once you complete your volunteer program, you might want to include it in your portfolio.

Rajinder Sachdeva managed the DBA team providing solutions, working and coordinating with other teams at CCCIS Software, Chicago, Illinois.

Rajinder Sachdeva - Three Essential Business Objectives of Information Technology

Rajinder Sachdeva is experienced in Oracle database management systems and believes that the IT sector is a major player in global economies. It is clear to observe the role information technology has played in governments and businesses. Communication being a key element has heavily relied on the information technology industry to come up with innovative systems that allow fast communication between clients and business partners.  

Rajinder Sachdeva

Product Development

Information technology is a key player in helping companies speed up the time it takes to launch new products on the market. Companies need conduct market research from proprietary databases, sales representatives and customer reviews and prepare for the product launch. Computer-aided design and manufacturing software help speed up the process and help bring together global teams to work on various components of a product at the same time. IT plays an important part in product development, right from innovation to the time it reaches the customer’s hands, and even after the customer has purchased the product.

Process Involvement

IT also helps with process involvement by allowing managers and heads of department use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to monitor and review costs, sales, and operating metrics in real time.

Cost Efficiencies

Though the initial cost of setting up the IT system in a business or company might be high, the resulting long term cost saving benefits are worth the investment. It can help companies reduce implementation costs. IT-based productivity solutions can help companies save costs on postage, duplication of documents and various other things.

Rajinder Sachdeva has hands-on experience and is technically competent on solving business problems through technology.

Information Technology - A Field of Progress

Information Technology is easily the most rapidly evolving and changing industry and career field that humanity is aware of today. The reason that so many career professionals and students are flocking to the Information Technology world is because of how rapidly it is expanding. This includes both the job market of Information Technology, as well as all of the technology that makes it up. Because of how rapidly the technology is evolving in the field, even more jobs are being generated as more innovative software and hardware erupts seemingly out of nowhere. Even in the course of twenty short years, the world of Information Technology has become a massively different beast than it once way. The internet for example, has only been around for around 30 years. That is remarkable when you consider just how far the technology has come in such a seemingly short time period. Imagine how many innovations have come about since the first website was created on the World-Wide-Web, which was probably dismally difficult to interact with, and not too easy on the eyes either. This was before the age of Facebook and other social media sites, which now are ubiquitous and integral to many online experiences.

Rajinder Sachdeva

Information Technology has clearly become a standout and beacon of progress for humanity as a whole, rapidly catapulting us towards a new and exciting future. Because of the rapid expansion and invention of new and exciting ideas and applications, trends and mass communication, it is on the back of Information Technology that will steer us into the future.

Rajinder Sachdeva is an Information Technology specialist who has been in the field for nearly thirty years now, and has helped single-handedly improve it.

Information Technology - What Oracle is, and What it Does for Us

In Information Technology, some of the most relevant and innovative tools that have some to us over the years have been in the form of software systems and data management utilities. There has been many attempts to come up with more efficient and effective systems over the years, but none such system has seen so much success as the Oracle system. So what exactly is Oracle? The Oracle is a database management system that is comprised of at least a single application, as well as an ability to store data. The point of the Oracle is to store data in a logical and organized order in the form of table spaces and other physical forms and data files that people are more accustomed to. In other words, Oracle converts confusing and complex computer programming formulas that manipulate numbers, into object-based displays of the interpreted information to make it more user-friendly and accessible for the average computer user. These table spaces within Oracle usually have different kinds of memory segments, like Data and Index segments. These are comprised of groups of data blocks, which are the universal unit of storage for the Oracle system.

Rajinder Sachdeva

How Oracle works can often be a complicated thing to understand, what it means for the average user however, is that there now exists a more efficient and easy to understand way to interpret and display data in a meaningful way that many people can intuitively understand. Thanks to Oracle, many database issues of the past, such as a confusing interface, is a thing of the past. Now it no longer takes a computer expert to manage a simple database.

Rajinder Sachdeva is an Information Technology specialist who has been working with Oracle for many years now.

Information Technology - Breaking into the Field

Rajinder Sachdeva

As many people have learned over the past few years, Information Technology is a rapidly expanding field and a great prospect for a potential long-term career. Because of the millions of jobs the field is generating plus the rate at which it is growing, Information Technology careers have rapidly become one of the most stable, reliable, and high-paying jobs out there today. That is why many people have been wondering just how you break into the field. Well, that is partially up to you. Because of how complex and intricate computer systems and the Information Technology field is in general, it is essential for most Information Technology positions that you obtain a degree of some kind in the industry before pursuing a career. The extent in which you pursue this degree, is the part that is in your hands. You see, Information Technology covers a wide range of different scientific and social disciplines, including electrical engineering and computational theory. There are both practical applications in Information Technology, as well as the theoretical. While most of the theoretical requires a high-level command of mathematics, more practical applications of the field simply require a good understanding of software interfaces and familiarity with certain systems.

Data management is an example of an easily accessible field that you don’t have to be a computer genius to get into, but still pays well and has great job security. Data management usually involves coming up with better and more effective data systems, becoming familiar with the software and technologies and aiding businesses in organization.

Rajinder Sachdeva is a professional Information Technology specialist who has branched off to many different fields.

The Digital Age & The Power of Data

Data has been the driving force behind the new digital age, propelling mankind forward towards a new and unique future, one where information can be accessed by the poor and the rich alike, making this new era the great equalizer. In the past, much of the disparity between the richer and the poorer social classes boiled down to the fact that the rich were often educated, being exposed to a large database of information that the poorer classes simply were not preview to. Because of this data disparity, the rich tended to stay wealthy because they were drawing on more information and resources about their surroundings, which often resulted in being much more successful because they simply better understood the world around them and were better educated.

Rajinder Sachdeva

The poor, conversely, were doomed to perpetuate that state because they simply did not know any better, and had no information available to them to change their fate. Thanks to the ushering in of the digital age however, information has become freely accessible by nearly everyone, thanks to the wonderful invention of the internet. That is why the digital age has been referred to as the great equalizer, as now more than ever people all have access to the same information, allowing them to make their own educated decisions and judgements about the world.

Thanks to the digital age, the world has become an easily accessible place where understanding a phenomenon is only a click or an internet search away. With this kind of free information, we can hope to bring on an era of prosperity where the masses are better educated, which results in better voting and better political representation.

Rajinder Sachdeva has been in the Information Technology field for nearly thirty years because he knows how valuable it is to mankind.

Finding a Good IT Job

When you graduate from college, at first it may seem daunting to find a job and start your career, but if you decide to go for an IT job, you could do much worse. IT jobs are growing as more companies realize the value in a reliable IT department. Those jobs are hotly contested because all recent college graduates with interests in IT are going for the same jobs. Some have as many as ten applicants per position or more. When you’re looking for an IT job, you will likely have to start at the bottom of an IT department and work your way up.

Rajinder Sachdeva

Starting at the bottom is not as ugly as it sounds. Almost all systems managers in IT and software firms started as a junior staffer at a help desk or doing the grunt work for some higher-up in the company. Don’t fret if you have to start small. Think of any job as a way to build experience and build your resume at least, with many opportunities for growth and advancement if you work hard and find ways to prove your worth to the company. Entry level jobs are hotly contested by recent college graduates for a reason—they all realize that they have an opportunity to grow with a company and realize their full potential—with an entry level position as the first stepping stone.

Rajinder Sachdeva is an IT professional with 29 years of experience. Those years weren’t all spent as the leader of a database system. He worked his way up for years to achieve his post.

Finding IT Jobs - Don’t Defeat Yourself

Many IT experts who study Information Technology jobs and job-seekers see many individuals engaging in self-defeating behavior that leads to many never finding jobs in the IT sector. When you’re looking for a job fresh out of college, even with a degree, you will likely find it very difficult to find work right away. It’s difficult to get the jobs you want with little experience. You have to be realistic in your initial goals. If you don’t know anyone within the industry, and you have very rudimentary experience, you won’t be able to jump into a Systems Administrator position right away. Find a job that you don’t need experience for and work your way up.

Rajinder Sachdeva

A common trap that many job-seekers for IT positions fall into is giving up after they don’t get any callbacks for the first jobs they apply for. They think that not getting the jobs they apply for right out of college because they aren’t qualified enough, so they try to get their MCTS or CCNP certifications. While earning certifications can help you get ahead later in your career, these certifications often turn companies off of candidates because they think that the candidate will work only for a short time before moving on to the next certification or position.

Rajinder Sachdeva is an IT professional with almost thirty years of experience. He says that he found his various positions in different software and networking companies by working up from the bottom, gaining experience and growing his network every step of the way.

Rajinder Sachdeva - Get a Job in the IT Industry With Certifications and Education

The Information Technology industry is rife with possibility, but competition for IT jobs at many companies throughout the technology and Internet sector is fierce. In order to have a chance at the best IT entry level jobs and to move up quickly once you’re in the door, start your IT career in college. Earn your degree first, and then try to get a job in which you can eventually earn certifications for your work and create opportunities for yourself in the future. A college degree isn’t necessary to start a career in IT, but as you grow with the company and your experience widens, you’ll find more opportunities for yourself if you have a four-year degree.

Rajinder Sachdeva

Your education and your certifications are your best assets for a great career in IT. Getting a good education is a great start, but as you grow and add more experience, you’ll need to earn as many certifications as possible to create as many opportunities for yourself in the future as possible. While getting your foot in the door at a great company can be a great opportunity, never forget your future. Use your education and your qualifications as leverage to move up in the company and find the next opportunity.

Rajinder Sachdeva is an IT professional with almost thirty years of experience. He has worked with Oracle Database management systems for most of his career, even upgrading his company’s 10g system to an 12C system for the software company Pace during his time there.